種別 paper
主題 BEM Analysis of Mixed-Mode Crack Propagation in Cen-ter-Notched Concrete Beams
筆頭著者 Ali CHAHROUR(Graduate School of Kumamoto University)
連名者1 Shinichi FUKUCHI Nippon Koei(Consultant Corporation)
連名者2 Masayasu OHTSU(Professor, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Kumamoto University)
連名者3 Yuichi TOMODA(Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Kumamoto University)
先頭ページ 1291
末尾ページ 1296
年度 1993
要旨 Introduction
The applicability of fracture mechanics principles to analyze crack initiation and propagation in concrete under tensile mode-1 loading has encouraged researchers to try applying them for mixed-mode fracture investigation.In actual concrete structures,cracks propagate under the combined action of both tensile and shear fractures.In fracture mechanics terns,these arc referred to as mode-1 and mode-2 fracture types,respectively.Many researchers have tried analyzing crack growth in concrete structures employing the finite element method (FEM).In this respect, the task could be very tedious and cumber-some,for FEM techniques require remeshing of the whole domain to simulate crack propa-gation.Hence,the choice of the boundary element method (BEM) to simulate mixed-mode fracture is quite reasonable.Compared to FEM,BEM needs fewer input data and allows even simpler automatic remising of the boundary to accommodate crack propagation.In the present paper,a two-domain boundary element method approach is adopted to analyze mixed-mode crack propagation in center-notched concrete beams subjected to one-point and two-point loadings.In the procedure,stress intensity factors at a notch tip are computed from relative displacements on the crack-tip boundary element.The direction of crack propagation is determined,based on the criterion of maximum circumferential stress of linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM).The analyzed crack trajectories,load-CMOD curves and relative values of the stress intensity factors KI and K2 are discussed for the cases of center-notched concrete beams with 20,30 and 40 mm notch lengths.Results reveal the ability of the technique,introduced in a authors' previous work,with some modifications to simulate crack growth.
The presented two-domain BEM technique could simulate mixed-mode crack propaga-tion based on the criterion of maximum circumferential stress quite reasonably. The simulate-ed load-CMOD curves reproduce essential feature of the experimental curves. For the given loading configurations,crack initiation seems to be solely of the mode-1 type with mode-2I dominating at the later stages,resulting in the interaction of both modes as the crack propagates.
PDFファイル名 015-01-2218.pdf

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