種別 論文
主題 Improving the Load Transfer and Effective Bond Length for FRP Composites Bonded to Concrete
筆頭著者 Jianguo Dai(北海道大学)
連名者1 佐藤靖彦(北海道大学)
連名者2 上田多門(北海道大学)
キーワード FRPシート/コンクリート界面、接着材のせん断剛性、有効付着長さ、荷重伝達、FRP composites/concrete interfaces、adhesives’ shear stiffness、effective bond length、interfacial load transfer
先頭ページ 1423
末尾ページ 1428
年度 2002
要旨 Based on a series of pull-out bond tests of FRP composites/concrete interfaces, it was found that decreasing the shear stiffness (defined as the elasticity modulus divided by the thickness) of adhesive layers could obviously improve the ultimate transferable load of the FRP composites-concrete interfaces. Further clarifying the bond mechanisms of the interfaces shows that the improved interfacial performance is contributed by increasing the effective bond length le as well as by alleviating the stress concentration.
PDFファイル名 024-01-2238.pdf

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