種別 論文
主題 Lateral loading tests of full-scaled concrete piles embedded into the ground
筆頭著者 Rabin TULADHAR(埼玉大学)
連名者1 睦好宏史(埼玉大学)
連名者2 牧剛史(埼玉大学)
連名者3 醍醐宏治(埼玉大学)
キーワード 杭、Concrete pile、later loading、pile-soil interaction、seismic behavior
先頭ページ 919
末尾ページ 924
年度 2005
要旨 Recent earthquakes have shown that the non-linearity of soil and soil-structure interaction have significant effect on the seismic behavior of the bridges, especially those constructed on soft ground. This research aims to study the non-linear behavior of the pile-soil interaction during earthquakes using full scaled lateral loading tests on single concrete piles embedded into the ground. One dimensional monotonic loading was carried out in one pile specimen and the second pile specimen was subjected to cyclic loading.
PDFファイル名 027-01-2154.pdf

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