種別 論文
主題 腐食を生じた鉄筋構造物の残存耐力に及ぼすせん断補強筋の影響
筆頭著者 董衛(中央大学)
連名者1 鈴木修一(東電設計)
連名者2 児島拓朗(中央大学)
連名者3 大下英吉(中央大学)
キーワード 耐力、付着力、アーチ耐荷、曲げ破壊、せん断補強筋、load-carrying capacity、bond stress、arch action、flexural failure、stirrup
先頭ページ 1097
末尾ページ 1102
年度 2010
要旨 The requirements of forming arch action are that the bond stress in shear span is removed, and that the anchorage performances well to restrain arch support from slipping. Two methods are adopted to remove the bond stress. One is applying wax between ridges and then wrapping it with tape and then applying lubricant on the surface of the tape (series BN), the other is the accelerating galvanic corrosion. About the contact surface between tensile reinforcement and stirrups, in the former specimens, there is no contact force; while in the latter beams there is residual bond stress more or less.
PDFファイル名 032-01-1175.pdf

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