種別 論文
主題 Time dependent deformations of PVA-ECC under sustained loads: correlation with plasticity and damage
筆頭著者 Benny SURYANTO(The University of Tokyo)
連名者1 前川宏一(東京大学)
連名者2 長井宏平(東京大学)
キーワード 塑性、損傷の進行、クリープモデル、クリープ破壊、plasticity、damage evolution、creep model、creep rupture
先頭ページ 280
末尾ページ 285
年度 2012
要旨 The evolution of plasticity and fracture under constant, but different stress levels is investigated to study the time-dependent deformations of PVA-ECC under high-stress levels. The elastic deformation in cracked ECC is found to be a good indicator that reflects the rate of plasticity and fracturing. Creep rupture in tension and compression is predicted to occur at stress levels 75% and at the same order of time exposure in a log scale. From 75% to 90% stress levels, the deformations at rupture are predicted to be 1.1-1.4, and 1.6-3.5 times of those under static tension and compression
PDFファイル名 034-01-1039.pdf

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