種別 論文
主題 Sensitivity analysis on the impact of aggregate and ITZ strength on the concrete properties by RBSM
筆頭著者 篠野宏(名古屋大学)
連名者1 丸山一平(名古屋大学)
キーワード 3層モデル、aggregate strength、Concrete properties、ITZ strength、ITZ強度、Rigid body spring model、three-phase model、コンクリート物性、剛体ばねモデル、骨材強度
先頭ページ 389
末尾ページ 394
年度 2019
要旨 A three-phase meso-scale model for concrete (mortar-interfacial transition zone(ITZ)-aggregate) has been developed using a rigid body spring model (RBSM), and a sensitivity analysis of the aggregate strength and the ITZ strength in tension and compression was conducted. It was found that the aggregate strength had a significant impact on the compressive strength and its post-peak behavior: as the aggregate strength increased, the concrete compressive strength increased while the tensile splitting strength was changed little by the aggregate strength. Furthermore, the ITZ strength affected both the compressive strength and the tensile splitting strength in proportion to ITZ strength. In this study, experimental results were reproduces using 150 MPa as the aggregate strength, and 62.5 % of the mortar strength as the strength of ITZ.
PDFファイル名 041-01-1060.pdf

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