種別 paper
主題 Effect of Water and Mixing Time on the Mixing Energy and Workability of Concrete Mixture
筆頭著者 Boonchai STITMANNAITHUM(Graduate School of Tokyo University)
連名者1 Taketo UOMOTO(Tokyo University)
先頭ページ 1149
末尾ページ 1154
年度 1992
Water is considered one of the most important constitutions of concrete. However, only adding water to concrete constitution does not produce a workable mix. The mechanical action so called mixing which all solid particles and water can be dispersed throughout the mixture is always necessary. It has already been reported by the authors that once water is added to the single material the mixing energy can be either enhanced or reduced depends greatly on particle size. In this study the following items have been clarified: 1) The effect of amount of water on the energy required to mix the mixture. 2) The effect of amount of water on the relative workability which is indicated by slump value of mixture. 3) The effect of mixing time on the slump value of mixture.
l) The maximum mixing energy can be observed when amount of water in mixture is equal to that can be retained by solid particles. However, it can be significantly reduced and workable mix can be developed by the existance of free water. 2) Relative workability of mixture, as indicated by slump value, can be increased linearly with amount of free water in mixture. Moreover, slope of that increment for both mortar and concrete are almost the same. 3) Cement and slag particles play important roles in order to prevent segregation and control the workability of mixture. 4) The slump value can also be changed according to mixing time or mixing energy because dispersion of solid particles can be changed. The change of free water with mixing time and hardening effect due to hydration are considered negligible.
PDFファイル名 014-01-1199.pdf

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