種別 Paper
主題 Ultimate Strength of Steel Shaving Fiber Reinforced Concrete
筆頭著者 Abdullah KEYVANI SOMEH(Hokkaido university)
連名者1 Noboru SAEKI (Hokkaido university)
キーワード steel shaving fiber, third-point loading, center-point loading, failure, plain concrete, aspect ratio
先頭ページ 433
末尾ページ 438
年度 1995
要旨 In assembly halls and metal forming workshops, steel and iron shavings which are resulted from turnery have shape and other properties of machined steel fibers which is industrially produced. So as a new idea this steel shaving after cutting in desired length were used in concrete. Results of flexural experiments in comparing methods showed desirable improvement in concrete flexural strength behavior. Experimental variables were steel shaving content in concrete volume, loading mode, size and span of specimens. By considering of such variables the ultimate strength of flexural members could be predicted by establishing a general relation.
PDFファイル名 017-01-1074.pdf

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