種別 Paper
主題 The Analysis for the Cable Anchorage of Suspension Bridges Based on the Extended Fictitious Crack Approach
筆頭著者 Ahmed Saad Eldin MORGAN(Nagoya University)
連名者1 Junichiro NIWA(Asian Institute of Technology)
連名者2 Tada-aki TANABE(Nagoya University)
キーワード concrete fracture, finite element, discrete model, fictitious crack, rod elements, suspension bridge, cable anchorage
先頭ページ 453
末尾ページ 458
年度 1997
要旨 In this paper, as the application of the extended fictitious crack approach to simulate a real case study, the analysis of the cable anchorage of suspension bridge, has been carried out. The extended fictitious crack approach which is based on the nonlinear fracture mechanics with two orthogonal rod elements has been employed in this study. The ANACS program, which is originally developed by the authors, has been utilized in its plane stress version. Using the arc-length technique, the post peak behavior of the load-displacement response has been detected.
PDFファイル名 019-01-2072.pdf

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