種別 Paper
主題 Effects of Change of Boundary Conditions from Rigid to Elastic Supports on slab Behavior
筆頭著者 Jong-Jin PARK(Pusan National University)
連名者1 shigeyuki MATSUI(Osaka University)
連名者2 Hiroshi HIGASHIYAMA(Osaka University)
連名者3 Keizo EGASHIRA(Hrumoto Corporation)
キーワード elastic supports, stress in the transverse direction
先頭ページ 1479
末尾ページ 1484
年度 1997
要旨 When converting simply supported single span bridge structures to continuous structures, elastic support conditions in the horizontal direction are provided to absorb the energy of earthquake loading and to distribute the horizontal reaction due to temperature change. However, a possibility of additional stress increase in the transverse cross section of the slab due to the vertical elastic bearings seems to be overlooked in the design process. A verification test with simple beam bridge specimen indicates a significant increase of strain in the transverse direction under the elastic support conditions and a counter-measurement for this increase needs to be provided in the design.
PDFファイル名 019-01-2243.pdf

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