種別 論文
主題 Rheological Evaluation and Constitutive Design of High Performance Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Composite
筆頭著者 李柱国(建築研究所)
連名者1 大久保孝昭(建築研究所)
連名者2 福山洋(建築研究所)
連名者3 諏訪田晴彦(国土技術政策総合研究所)
キーワード フレッシュ高靱性セメント複合材料、レオロジー評価、配合設計法、材料分離、繊維固まり、fresh HPFRCC、rheological evaluation、constitutive design method、segregation、fiber aggregation
先頭ページ 1011
末尾ページ 1016
年度 2002
要旨 This paper evaluates the rheological performance and proposes a constitutive design method for high performance fiber reinforced cementitious composite (HPFRCC) in the fresh state. It first proposes methods for evaluating the fluidity and segregation resistibility as well as fiber aggregation of HPFRCC based on slump test and ring penetration test. It then experimentally investigates the fluidity limit of matrix mortar to ensure no aggregation and segregation of fiber and the quantitative relations between the fluidity of HPFRCC and its matrix mortar for different polyvinyl alcohol fiber content. Finally, it suggests a constitutive design method of HPFRCC based on the experimental results.
PDFファイル名 024-01-1161.pdf

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