種別 論文
主題 Experimental and analytical studies on seismic resisting behaviors of composite block masonry wall.
筆頭著者 Purushotam Dangol(東北大学)
連名者1 堀則男(東北大学)
連名者2 西田哲也(秋田県立大学)
連名者3 井上範夫(東北大学)
キーワード 複合ブロック組積造、シアキー、剛体バネモデル、目地モルタル、耐震性、拘束フレーム、Composite block masonry wall、Shear keys、Rigid body spring model、Joint mortar、Seismic resistant、RC confining beam and column
先頭ページ 61
末尾ページ 66
年度 2002
要旨 Based on experiments, strength and deformation behaviors of composite block masonry wall having reinforced concrete beam and column with shear keys were studied. A numerical analysis is performed by Rigid Body Spring Model to simulate experimental results. This method is very suited towards the analysis of structures composed by discontinuing material properties like masonry wall. The model consists of finite number of small rigid bodies connected with normal and shear springs on the boundaries of two neighboring rigid bodies.
PDFファイル名 024-01-2011.pdf

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