種別 論文
主題 Tensile Stress-Crack Width Model for Plain Concrete Damaged by Freezing and Thawing Action
筆頭著者 Muttaqin Hasan(北海道大学)
連名者1 長井宏平(北海道大学)
連名者2 佐藤靖彦(北海道大学)
連名者3 上田多門(北海道大学)
キーワード 凍結融解作用、引張応力、ひび割れ幅、Freezing and thawing action、tensile stress、crack width
先頭ページ 109
末尾ページ 114
年度 2002
要旨 Stress analysis of RC structures that have been affected by freezing and thawing requires development of constitutive models that are sensitive to the effect of damage by freezing and thawing. In this paper, the stress-crack width model for concrete damaged by freezing and thawing is presented. Concrete damaged by freezing and thawing can also carry tensile stress after the peak stress.
PDFファイル名 024-01-2019.pdf

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