種別 論文
主題 Use of Fuzzy Sets in Condition Rating of RC Highway Bridge Structure
筆頭著者 Bimal Babu Adhikary(埼玉大学)
連名者1 睦好宏史(埼玉大学)
キーワード エキスパート システム、ファジー集合、RC高速道路橋、Expert system、Fuzzy set theory、RC highway bridge、Reinforced concrete、Structural condition rating
先頭ページ 1525
末尾ページ 1530
年度 2002
要旨 Structural evaluation of existing infrastructures becomes necessary due to deterioration, change in service, incresed loading and damages due to natural disasters such as earthquakers and fires. In this paper, we present the use of fuzzy set theory for assessing the overall structural rating of highway bridges. Fuzzy sets are used to express the lack of precision in field observations. The system combines the experience and judgement of investigating engineer, results of field observations and if needed strength computation for individual members. A fictitious example of a simple RC highway bridge is presented.
PDFファイル名 024-01-2255.pdf

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