種別 論文
主題 Study on the Influence of Various Inorganic Salts on Ion Transport in Cement-Based Material
筆頭著者 Worapatt RITTHICHAUY(群馬大学)
連名者1 杉山隆文(群馬大学)
連名者2 辻幸和(群馬大学)
キーワード イオン移動、無機塩類、膜電位、電気二重層、細孔構造、ion transport、inorganic salt、membrane potential、electrical double layers、pore structure characteristic
先頭ページ 915
末尾ページ 920
年度 2004
要旨 The influence of type of inorganic salt on diffusion of ions through mortar specimen made by different types of cement binder was experimentally investigated. The results showed that both the type of cement binder and the type of inorganic salt resulted in different diffusion behaviors. These different characteristics can be explained by transport properties of each coexisting ion and ion-solid interactions such as electrical double layer in a cement-based material. Furthermore, a pore structure coefficient that of each ion were determined by a steady-state migration test can be used to quantify the physical characteristic of mortar specimen.
PDFファイル名 026-01-1144.pdf

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