種別 論文
主題 Investigation of Electrochemical Properties of Sheath-Grout-Tendon Element
筆頭著者 安琳(Southeast University)
連名者1 山本貴士(京都大学)
連名者2 服部篤史(京都大学)
連名者3 宮川豊章(京都大学)
キーワード 、half-cell potential、electrochemical impedance spectroscopy、sheath-grout-tendon element、equivalent circuit
先頭ページ 1977
末尾ページ 1982
年度 2004
要旨 In order to investigate the electrochemical properties of sheath-grout-tendon (SGT) element in post-tentioned PC bridge, five SGT specimens with various grouting degrees/styles were tested in tap water by half-cell potential (HCP) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) method. It is concluded that corrosion status of galvanized steel sheaths can be determined by HCP method, but not the inner tendons due to the shielding effect. Grouting degrees can be evaluated by fitting measured EIS data to the equivalent circuits provided that no electrical connection exists between sheath and PC tendon.
PDFファイル名 026-01-1321.pdf

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