種別 論文
主題 Shear Capacity of Damaged RC Beam with Partial Longitudinal Cracks in Space
筆頭著者 Kukrit TOONGOENTHONG(東京大学)
連名者1 前川宏一(東京大学)
キーワード 腐食、局所ひび割れ、せん断耐力、Corrosion、Localized Cracking Damage、Shear Capacity
先頭ページ 385
末尾ページ 390
年度 2004
要旨 Spatially localized cracking along corroded reinforcement was experimentally studied to clarify its effect on shear capacity. It was found that the effect of local damage be adverse, insignificant or even favourable depending on locations. The damage locations were examined 1) around compression and tention fibers at a mid-span, 2) near supports inside ashear span, 3) around anchorage zone including beam support and 4) the whole shear span. Though the selective corrosion crack in between supports may zone elevate the shear capacity caused by an arch action, RC beams with cracking damage in the anchrage zone exhibited significantly reduced capacity accompanying sliding shear failure at the anchorage zone.
PDFファイル名 026-01-2065.pdf

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