種別 論文
主題 Ultimate Displacement of Pier Reinforced by Continuous Fiber with a Large Fracturing Strain
筆頭著者 宇都宮福敬(北海道大学)
連名者1 上田多門(北海道大学)
連名者2 関谷圭介(オリエンタルコンサルタンツ)
キーワード フレキシブルせん断補強筋、ポリアセタール繊維、FRP、RC橋脚、flexible shear reinforcement、polyacetal fiber、FRP、RC pier
先頭ページ 1357
末尾ページ 1362
年度 2004
要旨 In this paper Polyacetal Fiber (PAF) has been demonstrated as a new continuous system of shear reinforcement replacing major parts of dense steel stirrups. Eight reinforced concrete piers were tested under reversed cyclic loading to study the hybrid performance of the new material in withstanding the very high shear without premature rupture. The rupture failure of PAF at the bent-portions has been avoided. The desirable confinement was acquired with the core concrete and consequently ductility was enhanced.
PDFファイル名 026-01-2228.pdf

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