種別 論文
主題 A Study on the Creep and Shrinkage of High Performance Lightweight Aggregate Concrete
筆頭著者 秋山博(錢高組)
連名者1 山花豊(錢高組)
連名者2 舟橋政司(前田建設工業)
連名者3 濱田譲(ドーピー建設工業)
キーワード 高性能軽量骨材、クリープ、収縮、弾性係数、圧縮強度、遅れ弾性ひずみ、high performance lightweight aggregate、creep、shrinkage、elastic modulus、compressive strength、delayed elastic strain
先頭ページ 1363
末尾ページ 1368
年度 2005
要旨 The properties of creep and shrinkage are essential for appropriate evaluation of effective prestressing force of the prestressed concrete structures with consideration of the prestressing force loss caused by creep, shrinkage and relaxation. But, the properties of creep and shrinkage are not clarified for the high performance lightweight aggregate concrete. The experimental tests of creep and shrinkage for high performance light weight aggregate concrete with rapid hardening high strength cement have conducted and the results are discussed with comparison to the design codes.
PDFファイル名 027-01-1221.pdf

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