種別 論文
主題 Three-dimensional mesoscopic simulation of concrete under biaxial stress condition by RBSM
筆頭著者 長井宏平(スイス連邦工科大学)
連名者1 佐藤靖彦(北海道大学)
連名者2 上田多門(北海道大学)
キーワード 三次元剛体ばねモデル、メソスケール解析、二軸圧縮応力、ヴォロノイ分割、3D RBSM、meso scale analysis、biaxial compression stress condition、Voronoi geometry
先頭ページ 175
末尾ページ 180
年度 2005
要旨 Concrete is a heterogeneity material consisting of mortar and aggregate at meso scale. Evaluation of fracture process in this scale is useful to clarify the material characteristics of concrete. The authors have conducted meso scale analysis of concrete over a past few years by Rigid Body Spring Model (RBSM). In this study, three-dimensional RBSM analysis of concrete under biaxial compression stress condition is carried out where the analysis simulates the crack in normal direction to plane of specimen, which cannot be presented by two-dimensional RBSM analysis.
PDFファイル名 027-01-2030.pdf

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