種別 論文
主題 Bond Strength of CFRP Rods in Simply Supported RC Beam with Hanging Region
筆頭著者 Rendy THAMRIN(豊橋技術科学大学)
連名者1 角徹三(豊橋技術科学大学)
キーワード 鉄筋コンクリート梁、CFRPロッド、付着強度、張り出し部分、せん断スパン、reinforced concrete beam、CFRP rods、bond strength、hanging region、shear span
先頭ページ 733
末尾ページ 738
年度 2005
要旨 This paper presents an experimental study on bond behavior of longitudinal bars in hanging region of RC beam failed in bond. In order to realize the bond splitting failure, CFRP rods were used as longitudinal reinforcement instead of steel bars. Totally sixteen simply supported RC beams were tested in order to know the magnitude of bond stress in hanging region. The main test variables are stirrups ratio and additional embedment length in the hanging region, and stirrups ratio in the shear span. Based on the test results a model for predicting tension force at the support was presented.
PDFファイル名 027-01-2123.pdf

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