種別 論文
主題 Analysis of Shear Cracking Behavior in Partially Prestressed Concrete Beams
筆頭著者 Sudhira DE SILVA(埼玉大学)
連名者1 睦好宏史(埼玉大学)
連名者2 Eakarat WITCHUKREANGKRAI(埼玉大学)
連名者3 浦松達也(埼玉大学)
キーワード 修正圧縮場理論、プレストレスト鉄筋コンクリート、主引張ひずみ、帯鉄筋ひずみ、せん断ひび割れ幅、Modified Compression Filed Theory (MCFT)、partially prestressed concrete、principal tensile strain、stirrup strain、shear crack width
先頭ページ 865
末尾ページ 870
年度 2005
要旨 This paper presents an analytical simulation of shear cracking behavior of partially prestressed concrete beams using a numerical model, based on the Modified Compression Field Theory (MCFT). It is shown that this model can predict experimental results of the load displacement relationship, flexural cracking load, diagonal cracking load, stirrup strain, principal tensile strain, shear crack width, final failure crack pattern and failure mode consistently and satisfactorily.
PDFファイル名 027-01-2145.pdf

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