種別 論文
主題 Investigation of Seismic Retrofit for Pilotis Frames Utilizing Extremely Thick Hybrid Walls
筆頭著者 Md. Nafiur RAHMAN(琉球大学)
連名者1 山川哲雄(琉球大学)
連名者2 森下陽一(琉球大学)
連名者3 中田幸造(琉球大学)
キーワード 耐震補強、ピロティーフレーム、極厚壁、鋼板、緊張PC鋼棒、水平耐力、靭性、seismic retrofit、pilotis frame、thick hybrid wall、steel plate、pre-tensioned high strength steel bar、lateral force resistance capacity、ductility
先頭ページ 1117
末尾ページ 1122
年度 2005
要旨 The past earthquakes revealed that many of the pilotis buildings had suffered the extensive structural and non-structural damages. Considering this fact, two new seismic retrofit techniques utilizing extremely thick hybrid walls (namely, wing-wall, panel-wall) constructed in the first story pilotis frames are proposed in this paper. The major objectives of the proposed retrofit techniques are to enhance the lateral strength and ductility of the pilotis frames. The assessment of the proposed retrofit techniques are experimentally investigated and analytically evaluated.
PDFファイル名 027-01-2187.pdf

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