種別 論文
主題 Seismic Behavior of Composite EWECS Columns with Varying Shear-Span Ratio
筆頭著者 FAUZAN(豊橋技術科学大学)
連名者1 倉本洋(豊橋技術科学大学)
連名者2 松井智哉(豊橋技術科学大学)
連名者3 金起亨(豊橋技術科学大学)
キーワード 柱、合成構造、集成材被覆、せん断スパン比、耐震実験、column、composite structures、woody shell、shear-span ratio、seismic test
先頭ページ 1357
末尾ページ 1362
年度 2006
要旨 Results of an experimental study on seismic behavior of Engineering Wood Encased Concrete-Steel (EWECS) composite columns with varying shear span to depth ratios (shear-span ratios) are summarized. Three specimens were tested under constant axial load and lateral load reversals. The column cross-section was kept constant while the column height was varied to produce different shear-span ratios. The results showed that the maximum flexural strength of the columns increased with decreasing shear-span ratio. However, more damages on the columns were observed with decreasing shear-span ratio.
PDFファイル名 028-01-2227.pdf

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