種別 論文
主題 Experimental Study on Shrinkage Properties of Ultra-High Strength Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete
筆頭著者 Kyung-Taek KOH(Korea Institute of Construction Technology)
連名者1 Jung-Jun PARK(Korea Institute of Construction Technology)
連名者2 Sung-Wook KIM(Korea Institute of Construction Technology)
連名者3 Cheon-Goo HAN(Chongju University)
キーワード ultra-high strength steel fiber reinforced concrete、autogenous shrinkage、drying shrinkage、expansive additive、shrinkage reducing agent、ultra-high strength steel fiber reinforced concrete、autogenous shrinkage、drying shrinkage、expansive additive、shrinkage reducing agent
先頭ページ 405
末尾ページ 410
年度 2007vol.29
要旨 This study investigates the shrinkage properties of ultra-high strength steel fiber reinforced concrete developing compressive strength larger than 180MPa. The effects of expansive additive and shrinkage reducing agent on the reduction of shrinkage are also examined. Results reveal that ultra-high strength SFRC is experiencing very small drying shrinkage while extremely high autogenous shrinkage. In addition, the composition with 5% of expansive additive and 1% of shrinkage reducing agent is seen to reduce significantly the autogenous shrinkage.
PDFファイル名 029-01-1060.pdf

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