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Žå‘è Bonding and Cracking Responses of Corroded RC Members Subjected to Uni-axial Tension
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Šª 29
擪ƒy[ƒW 625
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”N“x 2007vol.29
—vŽ| This paper investigated the bonding and cracking behavior of eighteen 2.0m long uni-axial RC members, thirteen of which had experienced different levels of impressed current deterioration. cracks. It was found that corrosion-induced bond decay and the resulting-in tension stiffening show significantly different rates in loss with the increase of the corrosion level. Compared to tension stiffening deterioration, localized cracking deformations related to the corrosion un-uniformity are more critical for the evaluation of serviceability deterioration in the corroded RC members.
PDFƒtƒ@ƒCƒ‹–¼ 029-01-3105.pdf

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