種別 論文
主題 An Applicability of Equivalent Cracking Energy Concept for Impact Response Analysis of RC Girders
筆頭著者 Abdul Qadir BHATTI(室蘭工業大学)
連名者1 岸徳光(室蘭工業大学)
連名者2 岡田慎哉(北海道開発土木研究所)
連名者3 今野久志(北海道開発土木研究所)
キーワード equivalent cracking energy、impact resistant design、impact response analysis、Drucker-Prager yield criterion、prototype RC girder、equivalent cracking energy、impact resistant design、impact response analysis、Drucker-Prager yield criterion、prototype RC girder
先頭ページ 793
末尾ページ 798
年度 2007vol.29
要旨 Here, in order to establish modification method for material properties of concrete so as to rationally analyze using coarse mesh, an equivalent fracture energy concept for concrete elements is proposed and the applicability was conducted comparing numerical analysis results with experimental ones.
PDFファイル名 029-01-3133.pdf

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