種別 論文
主題 Study on a new precast post-tensioned beam-column joint system for rapid erection and improved resiliency
筆頭著者 Do Tien THINH(Yokohama National University)
連名者1 楠浩一(横浜国立大学)
連名者2 田才晃(横浜国立大学)
キーワード アンボンド、ポストテンション、プレキャス コンクリート、外柱梁接合部、シアーブラケット、unbonded、post-tensioned、precast concrete、exterior connection、shear bracket
先頭ページ 385
末尾ページ 390
年度 2008
要旨 New type of precast unbonded post-tensioned beam-column joint was proposed and tested. The joint was designed with shear bracket to resist the shear force due to gravity load and post-tensioned bars to resist moment and shear force due to earthquake load. The design concept is to control the deformation due to the earthquake load by accepting the opening between the beam and the column face in order to keep away from the damage to the beam and the column. The test results showed efficient behaviors with minor cracks occurred in beam and column, well self-centering behavior and small beam slip.
PDFファイル名 030-01-3065.pdf

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