種別 論文
主題 様々なスラグを混入したモルタルの自己収縮特性
筆頭著者 Januarti Jaya EKAPUTRI(The University of Tokyo)
連名者1 石田哲也(東京大学)
連名者2 前川宏一(東京大学)
キーワード 自己収縮、スラグ、モルタル、埋め込みゲージ、autogeneous shrinkage、slag、mortar、embedded gauge
先頭ページ 353
末尾ページ 358
年度 2010
要旨 The autogeneous shrinkage of mortars from seven slag-cements categorized as type B is presented. Specimens were cured under sealed condition at 20oC and 50oC with water to binder ratio of 35%. The experimental results showed higher shrinkage when BFS was introduced to OPC and a great scattered of shrinkage occurred at specimen from slag cement type B. Increase of curing temperature led to the great shrinkage at the first week. The slag content, fineness and chemical composition were thought to be the main factor of the shrinkage magnitude.
PDFファイル名 032-01-1051.pdf

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