種別 論文
主題 Analysis of Chloride Ingress into Concrete Subjected to Airborne Salt Measured by Wind Tunnel Test
筆頭著者 Devi NURALINAH(Nagaoka University of Technology)
連名者1 上浦健司(東日本旅客鉄道)
連名者2 下村匠(長岡技術科学大学)
キーワード 飛来塩分、塩分浸透、風洞、Airborne Salt、Chloride Ingress、Wind Tunnel
先頭ページ 869
末尾ページ 874
年度 2011
要旨 Chloride ingress into concrete subjected to airborne salt was investigated by a wind tunnel test. Time-dependent chloride profiles in concrete were experimentally obtained. Based on the obtained test results, surface chloride and diffusion coefficient of concrete were experimentally evaluated. The obtained surface chlorides are dependent of intensity of airborne salt. Several computational models were examined. The computational method in which variables surface chloride and diffusion coefficient are used can simulate well chloride profiles.
PDFファイル名 033-01-1139.pdf

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