種別 論文
主題 Shear fatigue performance and crack surface observations in PVA-ECC beams without web reinforcement
筆頭著者 Benny SURYANTO(The University of Tokyo)
連名者1 Mahyarudin DALIMUNTHE(The University of Tokyo)
連名者2 長井宏平(東京大学)
連名者3 前川宏一(東京大学)
キーワード せん断疲労、疲労寿命減少、繊維損傷、ひび割れ平滑化、shear fatigue、reduced fatigue life、fiber damage、smooth crack
先頭ページ 1279
末尾ページ 1284
年度 2011
要旨 This paper describes the results of fatigue tests on three shear ECC beams without web reinforcement. Shear fatigue is found to be more severe than bending fatigue, with fatigue life of approximately one to two orders lower. While the crack surface of control beam tested in static are rough and hairy, those tested in fatigue are all smooth. The damage at cracks around the web region is much more extensive than those nearby loading and support points. At the web region, fibers were completely worn off, while at other regions they bent down and deformed permanently along the crack surfaces.
PDFファイル名 033-01-2214.pdf

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