種別 論文
主題 Numerical Investigation of Effects of Material Properties on Corrosion-induced Concrete Crack Propagation
筆頭著者 Di QIAO(Nagoya University)
連名者1 中村光(名古屋大学)
連名者2 三浦泰人(名古屋大学)
キーワード corrosion、cracking、fracture energy、RBSM、spalling volume、ひび割れ、剥落量、破壊エネルギー、鉄筋腐食
先頭ページ 1162
末尾ページ 1167
年度 2014
要旨 The study focuses on effects of material properties, specifically fracture energy and tensile strength, on corrosion-induced cracking behavior, which are investigated analytically with Rigid Body Spring Method combined with corrosion expansion model. Various material properties are introduced into the analytical model to investigate the influences on crack propagation. The analytical results show that surface crack initiation is determined by tensile strength while the increase of fracture energy will slow down the propagation of surface crack. In addition, it is found that high fracture energy will lead to internal cracks of wide specimen propagating diagonally to concrete surface rather than sides of specimen as those of narrow specimen do, which constrains the final spalling volume. Consequently, it can be identified that ductile materials with high fracture energy is efficient to limit the cracking damage on concrete caused by rebar corrosion.
PDFファイル名 036-01-1187.pdf

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