種別 論文
主題 Improvement of water and chloride penetration resistance of slag concrete by using high alite cement
筆頭著者 Huynh Phuong NAM(Danang University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Road and Bridge Engineering)
連名者1 細田暁(横浜国立大学 Institute of Urban Innovation)
キーワード covercrete quality、high alite cement、slag concrete、SWAT、water/chloride penetration、液状水と塩化物イオンの侵入、表層品質、高エーライトセメント、高炉スラグコンクリート
先頭ページ 661
末尾ページ 666
年度 2015
要旨 In this research, the effectiveness of high alite cement (HAC) in improving the quality of covercrete of slag concrete was investigated by Surface Water Absorption Test (SWAT) and penetration depth tests. It is found that water absorption rate at ten minutes, which was obtained from SWAT, had a good correlation with penetration depth of water regardless of the type of binder. It was also revealed that HAC improved water penetration resistance of slag concrete due to its less sensitivity to curing condition. HAC slag concrete could also enhance the resistance against chloride ingress.
PDFファイル名 037-01-1105.pdf

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