種別 論文
主題 Carbonation and Chloride Penetration into Concrete After High Temperature Exposure
筆頭著者 Totsawat DAUNGWILAILUK (Hiroshima University)
連名者1 Tatsuya KITAGAWA(Hiroshima University)
連名者2 小川由布子(広島大学)
連名者3 河合研至(広島大学)
キーワード Durability、Electrical resistance method、High temperature exposure、Moisture transfer
先頭ページ 591
末尾ページ 596
年度 2018
要旨 The aim of the research is to understand how carbon dioxide and chloride penetrate into post-fire concrete which can be used without repairing, by investigating the moisture transfer in concrete. Concrete specimens with water-to-cement ratios of 0.35 and 0.45 were heated up to 350 °C. Then, the moisture transfer, and accelerated carbonation and chloride penetration depths in the specimens were measured. As a result, the carbonation and chloride penetration depths of the heated specimen were larger than the unheated specimen because of low moisture content and micro-cracks. 
PDFファイル名 040-01-1093.pdf

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