種別 論文
主題 既存RCフラットプレート構造の耐震診断と袖壁とドロップパネルによる補強
筆頭著者 H M Golam SAMDANI(Osaka University)
連名者1 Susumu TAKAHASHI (Daido University)
連名者2 Rokhyun YOON(Osaka University)
連名者3 Yasushi SANADA(Osaka University)
キーワード Bangladesh、low-strength concrete、punching shear、seismic evaluation、seismic retrofit
先頭ページ 181
末尾ページ 186
年度 2022
要旨 This study intends to introduce a simplified evaluation methodology for the seismic capacity of existing flat plate structures commonly used in Bangladesh, based on the Japanese seismic evaluation guideline concepts. Furthermore, the practice of seismic retrofit was presented with the intention of improving the seismic performance of the existing structures using wing wall and drop panel. Subsequently, an example of application was shown to apply the proposed evaluation methodology and retrofit schemes for seismic up-gradation of the existing flat plate structure.
PDFファイル名 044-01-2031.pdf

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