種別 論文
主題 高強度コンクリートSC短杭の1軸圧縮力下における力学的挙動
筆頭著者 Clarissa JASINDA(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
連名者1 Taku OBARA(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
連名者2 Susumu KONO (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
連名者3 Hiroshi HATTA(Concrete Pile and Pole Industrial Technology Association)
キーワード circular concrete-filled steel tubular piles、 hollow cross-section、 high-strength concrete、 compression capacity、 post-peak behavior
先頭ページ 571
末尾ページ 576
年度 2022
要旨 Experimental results on the compressive capacity of five hollow concrete-filled steel tube (CFST) piles are presented. The post-peak behavior of hollow CFST piles is found to improve with an increase in steel tube thickness. In addition, a database of uniaxial compression tests of 87 specimens is investigated using existing design methods. Results highlight the distinctive behavior of hollow CFST piles with concrete compressive strength of more than 80 MPa and the need to establish a new equation to evaluate the compressive capacity considering the influence of various parameters.
PDFファイル名 044-01-2096.pdf

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