種別 Paper
主題 A New Technique for Reinforced Concrete Beam Analysis Using the Modified Lattice Model
筆頭著者 Fawzy Mohamed El-Behairy(Nagoya University)
連名者1 Tada-aki TANABE(Nagoya University)
キーワード shear resisting mechanism, modified lattice model, arch element, total potential energy, subdiagonal element.
先頭ページ 477
末尾ページ 482
年度 1997
要旨 A new technique to modify the lattice model is described by the authors. This new method significantly depends on the calculation of the minimum total potential energy of the structure starting from the elastic stage up to the failure stage inside each increment of the calculation. The adoption of the total potential energy, angle of inclination of the diagonals and the best position of the hinges along the depth of the beam are very important parameters affecting the results of the lattice model and are studied in this paper. The applicability of the modified lattice model is examined by proposed shear strength equations and existing experimental data.
PDFファイル名 019-01-2076.pdf

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