種別 論文
主題 Behavior and Load Carrying Mechanism of Larger Span RC Bridge Decks: Further Exploitation of the Arching Action
筆頭著者 Samitha JAYAKODY(埼玉大学)
連名者1 町田篤彦(埼玉大学)
連名者2 安岡富夫(埼玉大学)
連名者3 高橋小夜佳(埼玉大学)
キーワード 道路橋床版、Girder bridges、internal arching action、lateral restraints、punching shear、steel-free decks
先頭ページ 697
末尾ページ 702
年度 2003
要旨 The internal arching action in slabs of girder bridges due to external confinement is generally recognized. A steel free deck slab system, that eliminates the need for tensile reinforcement for shorter spans, is still in its conceptual stages. This paper presents the results of static tests from two scaled laboratory models. The main model was designed considering the phenomena of enhanced load carrying capacity due to external straps and internal tensile reinforcement. The second model represented only the former aspect. Both slabs that were tested failed in punching shear, and the first specimen exhibited a significant enhancement in ultimate load carrying capacity and higher efficiency in crack control.
PDFファイル名 025-01-2117.pdf

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