種別 論文
主題 Thermal Cracking Analysis of Concrete Wall Structure using RBSM
筆頭著者 Worapong SRISOROS(名古屋大学)
連名者1 石川靖晃(名城大学)
連名者2 中村光(名古屋大学)
連名者3 国枝稔(名古屋大学)
キーワード 物質移動、剛体バネモデル、トラスモデル、ソリディフィケーション、mass transfer、rigid body spring model、truss network model、solidification
先頭ページ 1159
末尾ページ 1164
年度 2005
要旨 The numerical method to evaluate the cracking behavior induced by hydration reaction in mass concrete was developed. The method is combined with structural and heat transfer analysis,in which the Rigid-Body-Spring Model (RBSM) is used as a basis of a structural model and truss network model is utilized as heat transfer model. The solidification concept depending on time is applied to the constitutive model of concrete before and after cracking. For the application model (wall structure), the structure behaviors show the reasonably correspond with real structure.
PDFファイル名 027-01-1187.pdf

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